Wednesday 23 March 2011


The Iphone is like the best invention ever! I have downloaded all sorts of apps that help me take fotos and I can automatically upload them and share them will all my friends. There is no excuse to not be a photographer!

I need to work on editing a few of my hundred images I have stored away on my external hd. That will be something to work on this winter I suppose. :o)

what if...?

In the words of Mark Twain: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

These words go through my mind alot lately, especially at the time of making certain decisions in the course of my life. My 30th birthday is around the corner, I can almost see it. I close my eyes and can even imagine being 30, the big 3 0. When it comes down to it I never in my wildest dreams imagined my life to be the way it is now - not that I am complaining or ungrateful for everything in my life - or wish it was a whole lot different. I ask myself if I have taken enough risks, if I have done enough? I suppose being the perfectionist I am the answer is NO. I havn't done enough. Is this my "perfectionist lorena" speaking or is this really how I feel?

Sounds kind of confusing to be honest, but the words of Mark Twain could not be more true in my heart, all I have done -everything- I do not regret not even a little bit because they have made me the well rounded person I am today. But things I have second guessed and let slip through my fingers, those are the things I look back at and say WHAT IF...?

Sunday 5 September 2010

80's party!

80's party around the corner! My sister and I are throwing a rockin' 80;s party at our house in a few weeks. I found a really great site with a very long long list (500 songs to be exact!) of best 80's songs. The party is going to be costume manditory, and there will be lots of neon, 80's tunes and lots of hairspray. I cannot wait to upload fotos later. It's gonna be rad! The idea is going to be to set up a kind of photobooth and take lots of fotos of everyone doing fun things. Kind of a little project I am proposing myself. :o) Fun times!

I will keep you updated on the party preperations. The website url is:

Rock on!

Sunday 22 August 2010

Isla de OmbĂșes

Isla de OmbĂșes 3, originally uploaded by Lorena Espiga.

I hope to go back in the near future and take more pictures. It was such an amazing place to see.

Cerro Arequita. Minas, Lavalleja (Uruguay)

Thursday 12 August 2010


Cumple, originally uploaded by Lorena Espiga.

Click on the link above to go to my flickr page or you can click on the flickr app on the left to see all the picture.

Haga click en el link debajo de la foto o en las fotos a la izquierda para ver todas las fotos en flickr.


Hola amigos! Primero que nada les quiero mostrar mi blog, que va ser actualizado un poco mas seguido que antes, con fotos y cosas interesantes. Y bueno...ahora si, les quiero mostrar algunas imagenes del cumple de papa y el video tan esperado por todos. Espero que les guste. Haganme saber que les parece.

Hey guys! First off, I want to show you my blog, which will be updated alot more frecuently then before, with pics and interesting subjects., without further ado here are some images and the video I edited for dad for his bday. I hope you like it! let me know what you think.


Saturday 24 April 2010


I am in love with this street art. ( The image above is one of my favorites. Many of his pieces have a political or social meaning behind them.

Banksy (1974 -- ) is a graffiti artist from Bristol, UK, whose artwork has appeared throughout London and other locations around the world. Despite this he carefully manages to keep his real name from the mainstream media. However, many newspapers assert that his real name is Robert or Robin Banks.
Banksy, despite not calling himself an artist, has been considered by some as talented in that respect; he uses his original street art form, often in combination with a distinctive stencilling technique, to promote alternative aspects of politics from those promoted by the mainstream media.

Some believe that his stencilled graffiti provides a voice for those living in urban environments that could not otherwise express themselves, and that his work is also something which improves the aesthetic quality of urban surroundings; many others disagree, asserting that his work is simple vandalism (a claim made by at least Peter Gibson, spokesperson for Keep Britain Tidy), or that his (apparently left wing) beliefs are not shared by the majority of the inhabitants of the environments that he graffitis.

Monday 15 March 2010

New Photos On Flickr

Flower, originally uploaded by Lorena Espiga.

Hey everyone! I have uploaded some new pics on Flickr (click on the link for flickr on my blog) from a day I spent at the farm with my family. Hope you like them. XoXo